The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you solutions that match your needs.

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you adapted solutions, articulated around cost control.

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you solutions and services adapted for Expertise Cabinet.

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you solutions that are committed to bring you benefits.

The LACOUR Group brings you a dedicated approach to understand your activity in order to offer you adapted solutions.

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you solutions in line with your needs and concerns.

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and provides Glass Breakage specific solutions to help you in your activity.

Vous êtes un agent, un réparateur agréé

The LACOUR Group accompanies you and offers you solutions to promote your commercial activity.

Expert SolutionsPHOTOTEL
Reference tool in Remote Expertise
Estimation, Remote Expertise

PHOTOTEL facilitates the communication between repairer and expert: in a few seconds, the Remote Expertise file is transmitted. The PHOTOTEL Remote Expertise web solution allows you to receive the photos of the damaged vehicle directly in a structured file with comments and costing for smoother and faster processing. The trick to save time: use ALPHAPIX, the new mobile application that automatically transfers photos from your smartphone to PHOTOTEL. PHOTOTEL is the communication tool for collision repair professionals, for a simplified and dematerialized contradictory expertise. PHOTOTEL is now available through IRIS Hub & Services, the new multi-services online Platform.


Innovation Multiservice interactive platform, remote expertise files sharing and Visio expertise.

Reference tool With over 9 000 files every day, PHOTOTEL represents 65% of the global traffic of the remote Expertise in France.

Security Traceability and history of exchanges on a centralized and secure server.

Time saving Reduction of the immobilization time of the vehicle: PHOTOTEL associates all the elements of the file for a direct relation between Repairer and Expert.

PHOTOTEL, the quick, simple and secured remote expertise

Full Web application
Remote communication tool
Integrity of photos: stamping
Files management and archiving
Available on all devices (computer, tablet, mobile)

More information ?

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Terms of use of your personal data:

Your personal data are collected and processed by LACOUR GROUP for the sole purpose of responding to your solicitation about Product PHOTOTEL and will be retained for the time necessary to process your request.

In accordance with the law, you have rights to your personal data. The procedures for exercising these rights are presented in the Privacy Policy. Before validating this form, please review our Privacy Policy.

The processing of your personal data is based on your consent. You may remove your consent at any time by sending us a letter or an email in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

By checking this box, I accept the processing of my personal data as part of my request and the commercial relationship that may arise.