training initiatives certified
It is a certification which attests the quality of the training initiatives and actions provided by the training organizations for the skills development.
This certification has been given to the LACOUR CONCEPT Company by QUALITIA Certification, an organization accredited by the French Accreditation Committee (Comité Français d’Accréditation, or COFRAC), after an extensive audit based on 7 compliance requirements and 32 indicators.
This certification attests and certifies the training initiatives provided by the LACOUR CONCEPT Company to its clients.
A clear training offerAll clients of the LACOUR CONCEPT Company are informed about the training initiatives offered during the tools’ installation.
Adapted training coursesRepairers, experts, insurers… LACOUR CONCEPT is offering training courses adapted to the needs and uses of every professional.
A support at every stageThe LACOUR CONCEPT Company supports its clients so that they could perfectly use their digital solutions.
Good learning conditionsEverything is done so that each client can integrate the operation of the chosen LACOUR CONCEPT solutions.
Qualified trainersAll trainers of the Company know the LACOUR CONCEPT tools and share with passion their knowledge.
The exemplary character of the CompanyThe LACOUR CONCEPT Company is fully involved in the development of its digital solutions in order to offer the most effective tools.
The importance of feedbacksThe clients’ feedbacks are important so that the LACOUR CONCEPT Company can improve and always assure high-quality training courses.
Therefore, this certification evaluates the quality of the training initiatives provided but also the resources employed, the support and the competences of the trainers.
Renewable every 3 years, it assures an ambition of continuous improvement and a compliance with the evaluated requirements.